dimecres, 5 de març del 2008

My first contribution to FSFE Catalan translation.

Today is a great day!! I got accepted my first translation in FSFE. I'm quite happy, but this contribution won't be alone, I'll continuing contributing to Catalan community at FSFE.

You could reach my first translation at FSFE website.

dilluns, 3 de març del 2008

An interesting scholarship contest

Linux.com is reporting an interesting contest on patentability, any one from Catalan countries interested to apply?

Linux.com is reporting that the End Software Patents project is launching several new initiatives to help drive support for their cause. Among the new methods are a web site, a report on the state of patents in the US, and a scholarship contest promising to award $10,000 "for the best paper on the effects of the patentability of software and business methods under US law." "The project is being launched with initial funding of a quarter million dollars, supplied primarily by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). Under the directorship of Ben Klemens, a long-time advocate of software patent abolition best-known for the book Math You Can't Use: Patents, Copyright, and Software, the project is being supported by the FSF, the Public Patent Foundation, and the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC). One of ESP's goals is to enlist support from academics, software developers, legal experts, and business executives. Its initial supporters show that the project is already well on its way to building such a coalition."

dissabte, 1 de març del 2008

Pròximes Jornades de Programari Lliure a la UOC

Des de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya estic intentat d'ajuntar un grup de gent interessada en organitzat l'edició 2009 de les Jornades de Programari Lliure a la UOC. Estic segur que podem trobar un grup d'estudiants UOC interessants en tirar endavant el projecte, que se de bon grat que hi ha molts implicats al programari lliure a la UOC. Si voleu més informació, i/o col·laborar he creat un wiki pública on tothom pugui participar en elaborar una proposta per a la Universitat.

Més informació a: http://jornadesuoc.wikidot.com/start


Vilanova del Camí, Barcelona, Spain
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