divendres, 25 de gener del 2008

El projecte Darwin

Tot treballant en el meu futur PFC i en els projectes que porto a l'Hospital he arribat al món dels Rols, els llenguatges de programació orientats a rols i la programació orientada a aspectes. És un mon espectacular amb aplicacions tècniques i filosofiques.

Avui deixo una referència al Projecte Darwin de la Universitat de Bonn a Alemanya. Hi podreu trobar excelents articles sobre la Delegació aplicada a la programació, la gestió dels rols, etc.

The Darwin project aims to improve the foundation of object-oriented systems by bridging the gap between the two families of object-oriented languages known today: class-based and prototype-based ones. We want to step beyond the pro and contra discussion of classes versus prototypes, inheritance versus delegation, and safety versus flexibility by investigating
how much of both worlds can be beneficially integrated into one uniform model,
how widely-used languages like Java or C++ can be extended towards the integrated model, and
how such a model can be implemented efficiently.

divendres, 11 de gener del 2008

Com fer anar les gemes de ruby via un proxy.

Nota per a que no se m'oblidi:
gem install --http-proxyhttp://host:port [gem_to_install] --include-dependencies

dissabte, 5 de gener del 2008

Lucene Apache project

Something [Lucene] that could help my search projects tasks, as ever Apache people reward the comunity with exciting projects.

What Is Lucene?

The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software, including:

  • Lucene Java, our flagship sub-project, provides Java-based indexing and search technology.
  • Nutch builds on Lucene Java to provide web search application software.
  • Hadoop is a distributed computing platform used by Nutch.
  • Lucy is a loose C port of Lucene Java, with Perl and Ruby bindings.
  • Solr is a high performance search server built using Lucene Java, with XML/HTTP and JSON/Python/Ruby APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web admin interface.
  • Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Lucene Java search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene.Net is currently under incubation.

dimarts, 1 de gener del 2008

Happy new year

Happy new year for everybody!!!
by Urbi et Orbi editor


Vilanova del Camí, Barcelona, Spain
All comments and posts on this blog are my responsibility and doesn't belongs, or are my employer opinion.